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Eartheater Resources: -
- - River locator
- The Cichlid Room Companion
- Amazon Exotic Import
- Bildergalerie - Cichliden
- Das Aquatarium
- Aquatarium Geophagus
- Gymnogeophagus - key to species

- DCG online - Acarichthys
- DCG online - Biotodoma
- DCG online - Geophagus 1
- DCG online - Geophagus 2
- DCG online - Gymnogeophagus
- DCG online - Retroculus
- DCG online - Satanoperca

- South American Eartheaters: The "Honorary" Eartheaters
Eartheater References: - Aqualog South American Cichlids I (1996) Ulrich Glaser sen. and Wolfgang Glaser.
- Phylogeny of Geophagine Cichlids from South America (2004) Hernan Lopez Fernandez.
- Feeding habits and morphometry of digestive tracts in Geophagus brasiliensis in a lagoon of high Tibagi River, Parana State, Brazil (2004) Moraes et al.

- Geophagus parnaibae sp. n. – a new species of cichlid fish (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae) from the rio Parnaíba basin, Brazil (2005) Staeck and Schindler.
- Geophagus gottwaldi sp. n. - a new species of cichlid fish (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae) from the drainage of the upper río Orinoco in Venezuela (2006) Schindler and Staeck.

- Geophagus gottwaldi (2006) Schindler & Staeck.
- South American Eartheaters (2000) Thomas Weidner.
- Bleher's Discus Volume I (2006) Heiko Bleher.

- Geophagus abalios is not always Geophagus abalios (2008) Thomas Weidner.
- Geophagus abalios is not always Geophagus abalios (2008) Thomas Weidner (English translation).